May 15Liked by DeeceX

What a kooky kast of karakters you’ve written about this week, Deece. I guess there aren’t many normal pols left in Texas to write about, huh?

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Thank goodness, there are hundreds, even thousands of them. They sit on city councils, county commissioners courts, school boards, and yes, even in the Legislature. But they are not in the ascendancy in Texas now, and until we rid the state of the demagogues and the cosplayers, they won't be.

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May 15Liked by DeeceX

Austin's theme has now become the Texas theme, "Keep Texas weird."

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I’m shocked my rep Mark Dorazio hasn’t signed “The Contract” yet.

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Great post Deece! I wrote a great little tale and acknowledged all your great contributions to the sanity of many of us.

It is so important to hear from those who are familiar with the Texas political history now and in the past! I thank you for your focus on Texas as well as National scene, which borders on complete insanity. Have a great Memorial Day as we honor those who gave their lives to protect this already Great Country!

This is my third. Attempt, I keep losing post, in my slow edit process!😘

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I celebrate Memorial Day and all it means with you, CD. Check out my latest Life Its Ownself essay, just published

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