well played, Deece. 👍🏻

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Thank you, Leslie!

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I very much liked the CAPTCHA, not to prove I am human, but to prove I are not Tucker Carlson. The survey was clever also. I read Deece X from Life not just for the truth, but for intelligence. Except for my sister’s writing, the truth hides most places, or it is overlooked to grab a sensational BANG. That is my BIG BANG theory, proven time and time again.

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Judy, thank you for your kind words and your longtime support of this page.

By the way, I am honored to be mentioned in the same paragraph as your sister!

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Will it be in my lifetime that Texas (Texans) come to their senses and hope for the future will return?

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023Author

I figure it's about 12:22 a.m. during the Long Dark Night of the Soul of Texas. It would be worse, though, without people like you and Joe speaking out and, in Molly Ivins' words, banging a few pots and pans together.

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by DeeceX

This one seems the most far-fetched: " Angela Paxton and the Senate Republican Caucus will confront Dan Patrick midway through the session and urge him to “cool it” with all the culture war b.s."

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I agree. The whole GOP Senate Caucus is jonesing for that culture war high. If it’s not banning books, it’s punching down on trans teenagers. In the bizarro world of Texas politics, it’s called “leadership.”

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