An interesting tale of nightmare’s. I still have faith in the good people of this Country to keep Trump out of the White House permanently!

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Me, too, CD.

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I remain disinclined to believe Trump would let a handicapped person be a part of his team. Just won't happen, under almost any circumstance. Head of DHS, maybe, because he'd be mostly out of Trump's sight. And if Abbott went, I think Patrick's lust for being governor would remove him from any DC job. I hope, however, none of our conjecture has any applications in the post election life of Americans and we will have a Democratic president, house, and senate, the country can make some progress away from our burdensome divisiveness.

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Amen, brother!

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This is the only answer I want to happen. Nightmare scenarios otherwise.

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Feb 13Liked by DeeceX

Assuming this dystopian tale come true and I somehow avoid re-education camp for liberals, which country should I relocate to where I can survive on SS and a meager state retirement?

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Feb 13Liked by DeeceX

This is all … nauseating. Just one question on the poll embedded in your piece: Where’s the vomit emoji response option? That’s the one I pick.

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Feb 14Liked by DeeceX

Kronberg needs to either quit drinking, or start drinking, heavily. Putting the names of trump, abbott, patrick together... no greater three stooges exist.

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