Keep serving up these delectable bits of Texana, amigo. There were things in here I was not aware of and that only add to my disdain for legislative body and the people our voters put in those seats. This must be stopped.

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You've got 50 ways to leave your lover, but the Texas Lege has 1,000 ways to disappoint you in representative democracy.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by DeeceX

Thanks, as always, for keeping us up to date on the scads of mortal dangers to our Republic - who knew?

Keep on keepin’ on.

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Tim, I'm glad to have you among my readers and commenters. You've been inside the belly of the beast, and you know whereof you speak.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by DeeceX

The nuts seem a bit nuttier and just mean these days - stay alert

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It was another Life etc. I enjoyed all the writing particularly the survey of the Republican county chairs. I thought that was just flat out brilliant and so amusing that your governor could not out-poll other, since all the other people listed seem to be all the candidates. Maybe the other was MTG or the grand impostor congressman from New York pardon the errors I had I surgery, and only have the use of one eye till the end of March.

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