Thanks for telling it like it is! Keep up the good work!

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I feel bad for Linda Hidalgo because she has to deal with so much vitriol. The things said about her, these people would never say to the face of any other late 20s or early 30s woman in their own family. I'm glad she's addressing her health and hope she can lead Harris County into the future.

LOL and the grid---I am glad someone finally put it into words but we all knew this anyway.

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Deece, the gruesome kabuki theater playing out at the border is so cruel and absurd that the only thing that keeps running through my mind is the old Monty Python skit in which an architect is walking his client through his plans for a new apartment complex.

Everything goes along normally until the architect starts describing the set of “rotating knives” the the tenants would go through as they enter the building. At that point, the client asks incredulously, “Are you proposing that we….SLAUGHTER our tenants????” To which the architect responds, “Is that a problem?”

That’s the feeling I got as you described the saw blades on the barrier. It’s so bizarre and cruel that it challenges any rational response. But as you say, the cruelty IS the point.

By the way, great work as usual. I look forward to reading your insights each week. Keep ‘em coming!

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Regarding the buoys, I have two thoughts:

1. Be nice to know who the manufacturer is and call them out.

2. Knowing the good Christian bubbas here in my town, I expect they are just fine with this.

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You hit every nail Deece, and while I do not normally curse, as my Texas daddy would say, it is time to rid Texas of the Abbott and the other worthless SOBs, who are currently running the state into the ground, while lining their pockets and those around him!

He is relentless, greedy, and sadistic from the border torture balls, all across the state he doesn’t care who gets hurt, who is sliced up at the border, who freezes to death in the winter, or burns up in the summer, I am past angry. This is not how human beings act while other people across the state suffer.

I love my state, but I cannot stand to see what Abbott, Patrick, Paxton and the Republicans legislators are doing, it’s time to clean house!

Texans who support the Republicans/GOP, perhaps you you should ask where all the money is that Abbott was raising to build that barely started Wall? Where your taxpayer money goes?

I know spent 10 million dollars of Taxpayers money for his illegal, mutilating torture balls.

Your Republican leaders are getting rich while you struggle???

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This is good stuff, Deece. Keep it coming! As for Abutt and the other white people who control things, they are panicked about being transformed into a racial minority. That's why they no longer want majority-rule government (otherwise known as democracy), because they realize they can't win honest elections.

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