
If my spouse was to serve as a juror, I would take any plea which would avoid requiring that she sit through the sordid details of an extramarital affair. But that's just me, I guess.

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Do the Paxton impeachment rules expressly allow Paxton to avoid testifying? If they don’t, the House managers should subpoena his ass and let Patrick either give him a sweetheart ruling on testifying or make Paxton have to plead the fifth if he feels he needs to. This isn’t a criminal case. He has no constitutional right to not be called to testify.

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Great stories!

I look forward to the Senate Impeachment of Paxton!

Let’s hope that the Special Interest PAC have not purchased all the votes? LT Gov Patrick did get 3M?

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Seems as though Texas politics and subtafuse are one and the same anymore. It is maddening.

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