Thanks Deece.

The repubs would throw out their best and brightest just for the sake of a fight. As a Democrat it makes me happy. Toss out a true contender for a sure nuff looser. As an American it kinda makes me sad. Our current slate of MAGAits is polluting there side of the isle with conspiracy sprouting election denying morons. Even if we DO throw Trump in jail, or at a minimum deny him the presidency, his idiotic ideas will live on in the house. We have got to find a way to sweep out the crap. Yeah, a smarter Republican party may be tougher in the voting booth but what are the options? Should we continue with the Getes',Roys'and MTGs'? All of these mofos have GOT to go. The Republicans need better choices.

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Trump is the apotheosis of deeper rots in the Republican Party and, indeed, in American culture. The lack of civility and political intolerance ("If you're not with me, you're the DEVIL!") took root last century (looking at you, Newt Gingrich) and themselves reflect other declines in the quality of our political system.

Texas reflects those trends, worsened by the institutional collapse of the Democratic Party and sustained by successive rounds of gerrymandering.

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We are in a bad bad place when someone voting for what is right and moral and good for his constituents and he is vilified by his own party for exercising conscience.

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The truth of the matter is, the Roys / Gayezes / Greenes would rather be purists in the minority than pragmatists in the majority. The same is true of the Tinderholts and Schatzlines in the Texas House. Unfortunately for us Texans, the performative assholery of Abbott, Patrick and Paxton is much more cynical and calculated, because they know they can get away with it.

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I'm afraid that is another one of your astute assessments. There is no longer compromise in Texas politics. Everything is "we win" and "you lose" BS. Nothing good gets accomplished, only legislation that moves the state further to the radical right and curates increasing control over taxpayers.

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Progressive GWB? Damn. We've fallen a long way.

Thanks for the update on a section of the state I don't read about very often.

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And if you consider Ann Richards' tenure (1991-1995) as the gold standard of progressive values in Texas, we have descended even further.

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We had a lot to work to make better in the 90s but in so many ways we were better off then than we are now.

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