Elect clown, expect a circus.. I have never seen Abbott take a position , support legislation or spend taxpayers’ money unless it benefited him personally and politically. Like spending money on losing lawsuits or approving politically charged AG opinions . Those determinations were based on what was good for Greg Abbott. Were any of his actions good for Texas? Not a consideration then or now.

When he became governor, his actions continued as before. School vouchers , no peeking at any gun regulation regardless how many children are murdered,, arrest all Hispanics near the border or traveling in vehicles near the border, concertina wire ala East Germany and,of course, ignoring the settled Constitutional law when it helps him politically.

I don’t know what his end. game is but you can count on it pushing Abbott where he wants to go regardless of the consequences.

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abbott . . . trump, abbott twump, abottwum ... abottoir, yeah, that's them, the abottoir boys.

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one would think this would be horribly embarrassing for texas were it not so rife with ill-intent. it was mean enough with the shrub’s tenure, got nastier with good-hair…now, with abbott and the two peas in a pod, it is just bare-ass cruel. a texan with a love for the flora and fauna and no love at all for the bull-headed nastiness, me. i hope cruz is quaking and surely we must vote out cornyn. abbott and the two peapods need to be voted out, never to be let near any position of substance ever again. we seem to be in a collective fugue state of insanity. unfortunately, if you read historical texts, this is not something new.

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I do not disagree with your comments about the overall mean-spiritrdness of both Bush and Perry as governors, but I will point out that both understood that immigration was crucial to the lifeblood of Texas. Both supported immigration reform, including a path to citizenship, and Perry signed the Texas version of the DREAMer Act, giving thousands of children who'd crossed the border with their families the chance to attend Texas colleges and universities.

Those days are long gone. Compared to this crowd, they are like Mother Teresa and Abraham Lincoln.

What changed? The GOP base became more openly racist, intolerant and hateful. The GOP leadership, knowing it's cementing its destiny as a minority party, has expanded voter suppression efforts to historically unprecedented (and for many, unimaginable) levels.

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