
With all these pushes toward extremist exclusivity in the GOP, I'm reminded of LBJ's advocacy of inclusiveness in the Democratic Party. "I'd rather have 'em inside the tent pissin' out than outside the tent pissin' in." (I hope the paraphrase is close enough.)

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David, are you familiar with The Bulwark? It was created by GOP Never Trumpers in the wake of the Weekly Standard's wreckage. You should check it out.

Jonathan V. Last there has a theory about the differing agendas of the "Normal" and MAGA wings of the Republican Party:

“Normal Republicans want the Republican party to win power. They would prefer it if it was their version of the Republican party, but this preference is a secondary factor. The outcome they want to avoid at all costs is Democrats holding governing power.

"MAGA Republicans want to control the Republican party itself. They would prefer to also control the government, but the outcome they want to avoid at all costs isn’t Democrats holding governing power—it’s letting 'Normal Republicans' run their party."

This same dynamic is at work in Texas, the only difference being that Dan Patrick, Matt Rinaldi, Tim Dunn and the Wilks Brothers think they can "purify" the Republican Party of RINOs and still win elections.

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Thanks for the heads up. I will revisit the Bulwark.

Of course, I'm one of those old guys who actually prefer budgets. I understand that continuing resolutions are the thing now, but they have always made me nervous. Will the speaker selection drag on through mid-November? Without a working Congress, will we default spectacularly? And who will the public blame?

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