interesting that the convention is in chicago. i remember that vividly. i was living in a commune, the peace and liberation commune, established by the student council of stanford university, way back then, to resist the draft. i learned so much from them. people of privilege with a conscience. think i was at the los altos house by then, having first lived in east palo alto. an ignorant kid who did not go to high school but was a pacifist. i knew that early on…i had a hard time staying in school because my lesson to learn was about the class system. i had moved to california from austin, a lot of texans did back then, i mean it was texas, right? i had worked at the rag newspaper thanks to stephanie chernikowski who thought i needed to be educated, she was teaching english at u.t. then. what is there about changing horses in mid stream? i think that is attributed to abraham lincoln, a republican who defied the democrats at that time…funny how time changes partners, eh? i enjoy and respect your take and i also enjoy and respect moore’s take. having been born in austin, listening to older brothers discuss how or how not the south is going to rise again, as a child at my grandparents cafe on lake travis, had a tremendous impact on how i perceived reality, beyond the fact i was a female who was not considered relevant other than to serve at that time. early 50’s boys. anyway. we have no idea how the next few months will unfold other than the fact that we have to vote the fascists out. period. i marched for equal rights…against the bomb…against the war in viet nam. would do it all again. no one should have to go through all these things twice. just saying.

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You temper your nascent optimism with your uncertainty regarding Joe's (and our) future as our leader. Must be that West Texas climate that keeps the heebie jeebies from entering your psyche. Me? I'm freaked out, to use the argot of the 60's. Send me some of that West Texas je ne c'est quoi when you get a chance and before I need a life preserver.

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well, there ya go. austin is in south central texas, though i did live, as a child, in a couple of west texas towns. you can drive for 8 hours at speed and still be in texas. just saying. so biden has elected not to run, to finish out his term and has now endorsed kamala harris. there is yet to see what the convention will bring. myself, i would easily vote for harris and i think she would viably get a huge proportion of the democratic vote, but, not that much of the white male vote. we still live in what is basically a patriarchy with republicans wishing and fighting for it to remain that way and put women in their place so that white men can once again feel supreme. i sincerely hope that i am wrong about that. we, i think, are all better off in an egalitarian society. it is difficult not to have the heebie jeebies at this time. i just refuse to give into despair because that accomplishes nothing. the convention and then time to vote. a lot has happened in just one week…a lot more can happen before november. one day at a time. my read on it.

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I'm always hopeful. What did Reagan say: Trust but verify? In such a practical vein, I'll continue to be hopeful, but I'm gonna keep both hands free and my back to the wall, if you get my drift.

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