Your reporting is spot on, especially related to the gauntlet thrown down by Patrick to the House. Disappointing. Heartbreaking.

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Well done, Deece. Your reporting has been informative , wise, and witty. You’ve covered a disgusting, dispiriting spectacle in a way that has kept us up to date while adding the sense of humor necessary to keep the sane Texans among us from jumping from the highest point we could find. Very nice work.

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It’s not like the AG seat was at risk of changing party. The lack of getting rid of Paxton just reveals the depth of corruption of our representatives.

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Unbelievably insane!

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So grateful for your reporting and commentary. We continue to value your voice in these challenging times.

I may be more embarrassed than the average Texan concerning the depths to which the AG's office has fallen. I worked there when Jim Mattox was the People's Lawyer.

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Is there a way to listen to Patrick’s harangue? This speaks to the status of law and order in Texas. God shed his grace on us all.

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Deece, your reporting of this Paxton mess, was par excellence!

The bottom line, Paxton “The Weasel”, threatened, and won!

Shame on the Senators who refused to vote, you did nothing but make him more powerful! He will still go after you!

Thanks again my friend. Have a nice break..😘

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Thank you for your expertise and clear information Day by day of the trial!! You did a great job for Texas society!!

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My great, great, great grandfather-William E. Summers-fought and died at the Alamo. For what? THIS?? Deece, thank you for doing what you do to keep the rest of us informed. This once great state is now disgraced and we - the ones who have always celebrated our grit, dogged determination and integrity - are left dismayed, disappointed and defeated. The republican party knows no shame. I am physically sickened by this circus.

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I pretty much agree with Deece’s closing comments. My fear is that hence forth , like at the federal level , the two Houses of the Texas legislative branch will become nothing more than water carriers for the parties . It is hard to imagine our historically independent lawmakers worrying more about some policy driven report cards than doing what is best for their districts and Texas .

Because impeachment is by nature political and in this case the Republican party demands a political vote, you end up with the Paxton acquittal.

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