Nov 6, 2022Liked by DeeceX

Apathy & ignorance will be our downfall. I can't believe it is happening. People have been warned and it has failed to wake them up to losing democracy. Fox News and other conservative outlets have filled the minds and bodies of so many people with lies and rabid energy. The left has failed in its message to the majority. Minority rule will be the result. Real News will be the first to go. Teachers will follow. The right wants an ignorant population that they can control. Before people realize it, programs like Social Security and Medicare will go away. People will then speak out and get sent to prison or be poisoned as in Russia. People of Color who have followed the right will suddenly realize that they are no longer welcome in the party they supported. When I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, I read the newspapers in German in 1933 and saw the situation there to be so similar to the US. In Germany a blind population followed a colorful leader down the road that turned into a disaster. Many of our parents fought in World War II against this kind of evil. "There are none so blind as those who will not see"? John Heywood (c. 1497 – c. 1580)

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Paul, thanks for reading and sharing your insights, especially your thoughts after visiting the Holocaust Museum. It’s truly scary that Hitler was freely ELECTED. Once he was in, though, he consolidated power and made future elections meaningless, then impossible. A lesson for us, if we’ll pay attention.

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Rarely have I ever agreed completely with a political analysis, but this one finds me in that strange position. I hope you and I are both wrong, but alas, our state and nation appear to have lost their way.

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I’d love to be wrong about some of it. Hell, most of it. We’ll see. Thanks for you comment, Jim.

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I have gone to my knees (not really) hoping against hope that you and Maher have made miscalculations of the highest order. I will do all I can do to confirm fairness as a poll worker in Los Angeles tomorrow. After reading your astute predictions and listening to Maher, I believe I need Garrison Brothers in my oatmeal.

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Judy, thanks as always for your readership and comments. All praise to you and other poll workers, doing your part to keep our elections fair and free even in these contentious times! Stay safe!

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