Thank you Deece for this beautiful and heartfelt tribute to our friend James. He was such a great guy and I have wonderful memories of him from our Richard Jenson campaign days and Carl Parker Senate time together. I was shocked to hear he passed away last week and didn’t know much about his life these past few years so your article gave me great joy and comfort to read. RIP Gaston❤️🙏🏼

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I {{{{heart}}}} this, Deece. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for this wonderful sharing of stories with your friend. Such a friend is a blessing indeed.

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As my friend Rhonda said when I shared news of James' passing with her, "This makes me sad and happy." You nailed him. I too was introduced to Gaston in 1988 by John Heal at Anchovies. What a smile and what a DANCER. Will look forward to another whirl around the dance floor with him one of these days. Love you two had that time together in the State Park! Will miss our friend. Hope to run into you at VBB this weekend.

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What a beautiful elegy to a friend.

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Wow! That was a great tribute. I appreciate this glimpse into not only his life, but into your kind soul, too.

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Beautiful Deece. God speed to your friend.

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Nice.tribute. In many ways it’s harder to lose a friend than a family member. Condolences.

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What a lovely tribute.

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This tribute is obviously so heartfelt, I wish I had met him. He sounds like he was a wonderful person and you both were indeed fortunate to have each other in your lives.

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I only know James from your stories. And vicariously from spending time at the Broken Wheel Bar… enjoying his hospitality even in his absence. Seems like a wonderful guy and good friend. So sorry for your loss. This is a beautiful tribute.

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Your words are honest and kind

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This is lovely. Thanks.

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I’m happy he passed doing something he loved. We all need to take time and enjoy nature. I met James while I worked for the Legislature too. He had such a big magnetic personality! I’ll never forget the fun we all had working during the Sessions. Thank you so much for your gift of this tribute.

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This is such a sweet tribute. I also worked at the Lege in the mid to late 80s. I didn't know James much beyond acquaintance status but have the damnedest clear memory of meeting him & shaking his hand. To this day, I remember that as one of the best handshakes I've ever experienced. What a weird thing to remember! From your tribute, I know he is resting in peace out there in the wild.

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