WOW - I could not agree more with this roll-call of heinous offenses.

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The common thread of his actions in office, especially the last four years, has been cruelty. The viciousness of the so-called "fetal heartbeat" bill — sending bounty hunters after pregnant women and their caregivers — is another example I did not even have time to talk about. And it's all in service of proving his "manhood" and toughness to a national audience.

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Yes. Greg Abbott is a purveyor of pre-meditated and mean-spirited cruelty - especially targeting women, children, immigrants, and the poor. He does this by mocking their pain and criminalizing their vulnerabilities. Evidence of his moral compass can be detected early-on. After receiving a $5 Million settlement for the accident that crushed his spine (resulting in his paralysis), he successfully - and shamefully - supported policies to restrict such settlements for others in the similar situations.

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Well said. You can be a guest contributor to Life Its Ownself any time you want.

Punching down on the less fortunate has always been part of the GOP's DNA, but it has come out into the open recently.

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I'm a native Texan but am having difficulty seeing ANYTHING that's good about Texas right now! Agree with what you've said about Abbott and Paxton, but can't believe clown Dan Patrick barely got a mention. Maybe a future essay?

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Thanks for reading, Kathy, and for your comment. I agree with you, it is hard to find the pony in the gymnasium full of horses*t that is Texas politics now. This is what happens after 25 years of unchallenged rule — the recessive genes begin to come out (e.g., Sid Miller). I will write about that in the future.

Also, about Dan Patrick, the most powerful Lieutenant Governor in Texas history. Unlike Abbott, who is buffeted by winds he is too weak to control, Dan Patrick IS the wind — and a good topic for a future essay. Please stay tuned in!

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