Nov 18, 2023Liked by DeeceX

...pro-union Republicans, or pro-Union Republicans (i.e., anti-confederate Republicans)? Oh that clever Abbott.

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Abbot claims Texans want vouchers. I’d like to see the data.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by DeeceX

Our governor is living in a bubble. JT is my Texas hero. Could it be because he taught in the west side of San Antonio as I did? Facing real live children and their parents’ hopes and fears does something to you. Look at LBJ. I will pay my rural taxes in two counties with pride. I can give back to the school that educated everyone without regard to how much money their parents had.

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I’m giving up, it keeps knocking me off, I refuse to believe it’s because I never understood the concept of “Less is More”🤪

Briefly I’m delighted that the vouchers did not move forward! The biggest roadblock to these vouchers has been the dollars amount and how much above that parents of Public School Students will need to pay, on top of the voucher, on top of paying taxes to fund public schools!

It a boon for the wealthy who can afford to send their children to Private Schools, as it’s cash in hand!but

Not the same for Public Schools parents receiving these vouchers!

Finally , Private School do not have the same accountability as public Schools, but that is a much longer story.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by DeeceX

These damned school vouchers are like a fly buzzing around my ear. Shoo, shoo, go away. Then they're right back buzzing again. It's that price of crap Abutt attracting them. We've got to scrape him off our shoes.

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